Departement for Landbrug, Selvforsyning, Energi og Miljø
Natur og Selvforsyning
CITES – Washingtonkonventionen (international handel med truede arter)
CITES-konventionen (Washingtonkonventionen) er en international konvention om regulering af international handel med vilde dyr og planter. CITES står for Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. De arter, som er mest udryddelsestruede, må hverken eksporteres eller importeres af lande, der har tiltrådt konventionen. Både Grønland og Danmark samt ca. 200 andre lande har tiltrådt konventionen.
CITES-myndighederne udsteder eksport- eller importtilladelser for dyr og planter omfattet af CITES. I Grønland er myndigheden CITES-kontoret i Departementet for Landbrug, Selvforsyning, Energi og Miljø, mens myndigheden i Danmark ligger under Miljøstyrelsen.
CITES-reglerne kan være forskellige fra land til land. Det er derfor vigtigt, at du undersøger CITES-reglerne for det land, som du skal rejse eller flytte til (destinationsland).
Hjemmesiden informerer om de internationale regler. Her findes de gældende CITES-lister, der viser hvilken beskyttelse, de forskellige arter har.
Kontaktoplysninger ved ansøgning om CITES-tilladelse
Grønlands Selvstyre
Postboks 1614
3900 Nuuk, Grønland
Tlf. +299 34 50 00
E-mail: cites@nanoq.glMiljøministeriet
Haraldsgade 53
Tolderlundsvej 5
5000 Odense C
E-mail: eller
Se også: Handel med truede arterCITES-regler i Grønland
Bemærk, at der er forskel på CITES-reglerne for herboende i Grønland og for ikke-herboende (turister). Hvis du har haft fast bopæl i Grønland i mindst 185 dage, betegnes du som herboende.
Læs mere om CITES-regler for herboende her [mangler link til folder for herboende] eller på her.
Læs mere om CITES-regler for ikke-herboende [mangler link til folder for ikke-herboende]
CITES for salgssteder i Grønland
Hvis du ejer et salgssted, hotel eller en anden institution, der sælger grønlandsk husflid af CITES-listede arter, skal du være opmærksom på, at der gælder forskellige regler for herboende grønlændere og for ikke-herboende.
Du kan downloade en infograk med information om CITES-reglerne til turister, som du kan hænge op i dit salgssted. [indsæt download af infografikken her]
Hvis du og dit salgssted vil vide mere om CITES-reglerne, kan du læse mere i CITES-videnskataloget [indsæt download af videnskatalog her]
Dit salgsted kan med et nyt CITES-retail system selv udstede CITES-eksportilladelser til turister. Hvis du og dit salgssted ønsker at blive indført på det nye CITES-system, kan du kontakte CITES-kontoret på
CITES-området i Grønland reguleres af Hjemmestyrets bekendtgørelse nr. 12 af 13. september 2004 om eksport og import af vilde dyr og planter mv. omfattet af konventionen af 3. marts 1973 om international handel med udryddelsestruede vilde dyr og planter (Washingtonkonventionen/CITES).
Expeditions and research projects in remote parts of Greenland
The Government of Greenland, more specifically the Ministry for Agriculture, Self-Sufficiency, Energy and Environment, manages the administration of the Executive Order on Access to and Conditions for Travelling in Certain Parts of Greenland as of February 2010.
When is a permit required?
A permit is required for all expeditions that take place in the area covered by the Executive Order.
For a map of the area covered by the Executive Order, and a description of where and when an expedition permit is required, please see Legislation & Logistics here.
Apply for a permit
To apply for an expedition permit: Please contact the Expedition Office at the Ministry for Agriculture, Self-Sufficiency, Energy and Environment:
All applications must be submitted in their entirety at least 12 weeks prior to departure. The following documents are required and must be received by the Expedition office before your application can be processed:
a. Receipt of the application fee payment
b. Application form for travel in remote parts of Greenland (download form)
c. Map of the expedition's itinerary
d. Table of all participants with full names, date of births, addresses, contact information, nationality, and medical conditions/requirements
e. Description of all expedition members’ previous expedition experience
f. Radio permit
g. Insurance statement (using the official form for expeditions taking place below latitude 78N or above latitude 78N
h. Bank guarantee (mandatory for icecap crossings)
i. Firearms permit (mandatory for expeditions in the National Park and strongly recommended for any expedition in polar bear territories)
Please note that all applicants must pay a non-refundable application fee of 4,000 Danish kroner per expedition.
Legislation & Logistics
Under the Executive Order on Access to and Conditions for Travelling in Certain Parts of Greenland (official document), a permit is required for travelling in various parts of Greenland with no public access.
Below is a map and description of where and when an expedition permit is required.
The areas where an access/expedition permit is required, and which are listed in section 1 of the Executive Order, comprise the whole of the Ice Cap with the glaciers issuing from it, the whole of the National Park in North and East Greenland and the adjoining sea territory, the ice-free area in East and Southeast Greenland until the Lindenow Fjord and the ice-free area in North Greenland north of latitude 78 °N.
Ilulissat Icefjord
The Ilulissat Icefjord is a World Heritage (UNESCO) Site, which requires a separate access permit. Applicants, who would like to be granted access, will need to apply for an exemption of the Government Order No. 10 of 15 June 2007. Please contact the Expedition Office at the Ministry for Agriculture, Self-Sufficiency, Energy and Environment:
Areas that do not require a permit
Pursuant to section 2 of the Executive Order, no permit is required for travelling:
In a limited area north of the town of Qaanaaq between latitudes 78º N and 79º N west of longitude 66º W. In Ittoqqortoormiit in the area extending from the town and to the National Park, towards the west to longitude 29º W and towards the south to latitude 70º N.
In the area extending up to 150 km from the centre of Tasiilaq.The purpose of this limitation is to avoid impeding the movements and activities of local citizens as well as local trekking tourism and tourist activities near the inhabited areas.
See the map below for an overview of the areas where an access/expedition permit is required. Click the map for a larger version.
Trips less than 24 hours
Out of regard for the local tourism in the entire rim area of the Ice Cap, no permit is required for trips of less than 24 hours’ duration. This implies that, for example, expedition participants will be able to stay at the localities listed in section 1 of the Executive Order without applying for a permit if their stay lasts less than 24 hours (section 3 of the Executive Order).
Travelling in and around the National Park
However, it should be noted that a permit from the Government of Greenland is always required for travelling in the National Park pursuant to the Executive Order No. 7 of June 1992 on the National Park in North and East Greenland, even though the trip lasts less than 24 hours.
Pursuant to section 3(2) of the Executive Order, a permit is required for sailing in the area referred to in section 1 of the Executive Order, regardless of the duration of the trip. In practice, this means that cruise vessels and other vessels sailing closer than 3 nautical miles from the baseline of the National Park in North and East Greenland must have a travel permit before they sail into the area. This applies regardless of whether the trip lasts more or less than 24 hours.
No permit is required for ordinary traffic and travelling for the usual fishing and hunting activities in the areas listed in section 1 of the Executive Order and carried out by persons permanently residing in Greenland, cf. section 4 of the Executive Order.According to section 5 of the Executive Order, travelling in the areas listed in section 1 of the Executive Order in connection with the exploration or production of mineral resources does not fall within the scope of part 1 of the order. The reason for this is that such activities are governed by exploration and production concessions, cf. the Act on Mineral resources in Greenland, administered by the Bureau of Minerals and petroleum under the Government of Greenland.
Finally, according to section 14 of the Executive Order, travelling in the areas listed in section 1 do not apply to NATO’s military authorities, Danish military authorities or other Government authorities, the authorities of the government of Greenland or municipal authorities in Greenland.
The following is a list of these authorities for Greenland and Denmark:
- Naalakkersuisut (Government of Greenland)
- Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq
- Qaasuitsup Kommunia
- Qeqqata Kommunia
- Kommune Kujalleq
- Greenland Institute of Natural Resources
- Greenland National Museum & Archives
- Asiaq
- The Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
- The Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI)
- The Danish Geodata Agency
- DTU Space
The Executive Order thus lays down no restrictions on the exercise of authority, nor does it lay down restrictions on the right of access enjoyed by persons associated with the U.S. military presence in the defense area at Thule Air base.
For safety reasons, the Ministry for Agriculture, Self-Sufficiency, Energy and Environment must be notified by the authorities listed in section 14 (1) of the Order whenever any such authority is travelling in the areas listed in section 1 of the order before the authority commences its trip in the area. However, this duty of notification does not apply to military activities, cf. section 14 (3) of the Order.
Fredede områder
Grønland har 12 fredede områder. De fredede områder er etableret for at sikre bæredygtig brug af områder med særlig betydning for arter, økosystemer og landskaber. Grønland har desuden 12 Ramsarområder, som er vådområder med blandt andet særlig betydning for vandfugle. Der er på nuværende tidspunkt udarbejdet 2 forvaltningsplaner for hhv. UNESCO-området Ilulissat Isfjord og for Kangerlussuaq. En forvaltningsplan for havbunden er under udarbejdelse.
Grønlands Biodiversitetsstrategi 2030
På naturområdet arbejdes overordnet med udmøntning af de målsætninger, Naalakkersuisut har sat i Grønlands Biodiversitetsstrategi 2030. Strategien er et vigtigt led i Grønlands implementering af Biodiversitetskonventionen.
Størstedelen af målsætningerne ligger under afdelingens ressort. De fem målsætninger er:
- Biodiversiteten skal beskyttes gennem relevant lovgivning og bæredygtig forvaltning.
- De levende ressourcer skal udnyttes bæredygtigt.
- Miljøtilstanden skal forbedres til gavn for naturen og menneskers sundhed.
- Forskning, overvågning og brugerviden skal sikre et robust vidensgrundlag om arter og økosystemer.
- Vores aktive deltagelse i internationalt samarbejde skal medvirke til sikring af Grønlands interesser og bidrage til den globale beskyttelse af biodiversiteten.
Internationale konventioner og samarbejde
Grønlands interesser på natur- og miljøområdet varetages gennem implementering af en række internationale konventioner og samarbejde.
Det gælder blandt andet Konventionen om biologisk mangfoldighed (Biodiversitetskonventionen), Konventionen om vådområder af international betydning navnlig som levesteder for vandfugle (Ramsarkonventionen) og Oslo-Paris konventionen om beskyttelse af det marine miljø i Nordøstatlanten (OSPAR-konventionen).
Endvidere er naturforvaltningen ansvarlig for varetagelse af Grønlands interesser under igangværende (2022) forhandlinger i FN om en juridisk bindende aftale om beskyttelse og bæredygtig udnyttelse af marin biodiversitet uden for national jurisdiktion (BBNJ).
Afdelingens internationale arbejde spiller tæt sammen med indsatser under Grønlands Biodiversitetsstrategi 2030. -
Regionalt samarbejde
Afdelingen varetager arbejdet i CAFF (Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna), som er en af de seks arbejdsgrupper under Arktisk Råd. Grønland er her Kongeriget Dammarks delegationsleder i arbejdsgruppen.
De overordnede opgaver på selvforsyningsområdet er den strategiske og politiske udvikling af området, såsom udarbejdelsen af Grønlands første selvforsyningsstrategi. Udviklingsopgaverne berører en række politikområder herunder fødevarer, energi og landbrug, der alle vil understøtte en øget selvforsyning.